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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Florian Gruber” ,找到相关结果约4712条。
Research on South-East Asia in Austria: The Project SEA-EU-NET at the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI)
Florian Gruber,Alexander Degelsegger,Cosima Blasy
ASEAS : ?sterreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften , 2012,
Comparing the vacuum structure of quenched and dynamical configurations
Falk Bruckmann,Florian Gruber,Andreas Sch?fer
Physics , 2009,
Abstract: We systematically compare filtering methods used to extract topological structures on SU(3) lattice configurations. We show that there is a strong correlation of the topological charge densities obtained by APE and Stout smearing. To get rid of artifacts of these methods, we analyze structures that are also seen by Laplace filtering. This combined analysis shows that the topological charge density is more fragmented in the presence of dynamical quarks.
Filtered topological structure of the QCD vacuum: Effects of dynamical quarks
Falk Bruckmann,Florian Gruber,Andreas Sch?fer
Physics , 2009, DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.02.077
Abstract: We systematically compare filtering methods used to extract topological structures on SU(3) lattice configurations. We show that there is a strong correlation of the topological charge densities obtained by APE and Stout smearing. To get rid of artifacts of these methods, we analyse structures that are also seen by Laplace filtering and indeed identify artifacts for strong smearing. The topological charge density in this combined analysis is more fragmented in the presence of dynamical quarks. A power law exponent that characterises the distribution of filtered topological clusters turns out to be not far off the values of an instanton gas model.
Comparing topological charge definitions using topology fixing actions
Falk Bruckmann,Florian Gruber,Karl Jansen,Marina Marinkovic,Carsten Urbach,Marc Wagner
Physics , 2009, DOI: 10.1140/epja/i2010-10915-1
Abstract: We investigate both the hyperbolic action and the determinant ratio action designed to fix the topological charge on the lattice. We show to what extent topology is fixed depending on the parameters of these actions, keeping the physical situation fixed. At the same time the agreement between different definitions of topological charge - the field theoretic and the index definition - is directly correlated to the degree topology is fixed. Moreover, it turns out that the two definitions agree very well. We also study finite volume effects arising in the static potential and related quantities due to topology fixing.
Topology of dynamical lattice configurations including results from dynamical overlap fermions
Falk Bruckmann,Nigel Cundy,Florian Gruber,Thomas Lippert,Andreas Sch?fer
Physics , 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.12.030
Abstract: We investigate how the topological charge density in lattice QCD simulations is affected by violations of chiral symmetry caused by the fermion action. To this end we compare lattice configurations generated with a number of different actions including first configurations generated with exact dynamical overlap quarks. We visualize the topological profiles after mild smearing. In the topological charge correlator we measure the size of the positive core, which is known to shrink to zero extension in the continuum limit. To leading order we find the core size to scale linearly with the lattice spacing with the same coefficient for all actions, even including quenched simulations. In the subleading term the different actions vary over a range of about 10 %. Our findings suggest that non-chiral lattice actions at current lattice spacings do not differ much for observables related to topology, both among themselves and compared to overlap fermions.
Topology of dynamical lattice configurations including results from dynamical overlap fermions
Falk Bruckmann,Nigel Cundy,Florian Gruber,Thomas Lippert,Andreas Sch?fer
Physics , 2011,
Abstract: We investigate how the topological charge density in lattice QCD simulations is affected by violations of chiral symmetry in different fermion actions. To this end we compare lattice configurations generated with a number of different actions including first configurations generated with exact overlap quarks. We visualize the topological profiles after mild smearing. In the topological charge correlator we measure the size of the positive core, which is known to vanish in the continuum limit. To leading order we find the core size to scale linearly with the lattice spacing with the same coefficient for all actions, even including quenched simulations. In the subleading term the different actions vary over a range of about 10 %. Our findings suggest that non-chiral lattice actions at current lattice spacings do not differ much for this specific observable related to topology, both among themselves and compared to overlap fermions.
The Influence of Implicit Achievement Motive and Graphological Variables on Learning Variables  [PDF]
Nicole Gruber, Ludwig Kreuzpointner
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2015.612145
Abstract: There are several methods of implicit measurement. A very valid and wide spread assessment of motives by using the technique of projection is picture story exercises (PSE). Graphology, as theory of inferences on personality and motives by analyzing handwriting, is another one. The presented study examines the commons of the both measurement methods and their prediction of achievement behaviour. So, the achievement motive of 189 students was assessed using the PSE of Heckhausen (1963) and afterwards their handwriting was scored by a categorical system of Ploog (2013). Achievement related behaviour was operatively analyzed with self-reported learning time, learning behaviour and task-choice performance. It is shown that implicit motives measured by PSE are related with the criteria of task-choice performance. It is shown that both implicit motives measured by PSE and graphological variables deliver information about learning variables.
A HER2-Displaying Virus-Like Particle Vaccine Protects from Challenge with Mammary Carcinoma Cells in a Mouse Model
Adolfo García-Sastre,Clemens Grünwald-Gruber,Florian Krammer,Guha Asthagiri Arunkumar,Krisztina Koczka,Lisa Nika,Meagan McMahon,Reingard Grabherr,Sara Cuadrado-Castano
- , 2019, DOI: 10.3390/vaccines7020041
In the Name of Action Against "Honour-Related" Violence
Sabine Gruber
Nordic Journal of Migration Research , 2011, DOI: 10.2478/v10202-011-0018-9
Abstract: "Honour-related" violence and oppression has become an important issue for various social institutions in Sweden during the last decade. The school is one of these and has been awarded a particular responsibility to detect and take action against this violence. Aside from a few studies however, knowledge remains limited regarding how professionals in various institutions take measures against this violence. In this article I examine how the school's mission to combat "honour-related" violence and oppression has evolved into a practice permeated by national notions. With the support of empirical examples, I will show how efforts to tackle "honour-related" violence are based on ideas of "Swedish" values, national borders, and gender, and how these become tools for production of exclusion and inclusion. Attention is also given to how boys and girls who are brought together with an "honour cultural" background are assigned different positions in the "Swedish" community. The study is based on interviews with student welfare staff, participant observations on training days for school staff about "honour-related" violence, and document studies.
Alternative solutions for public and private catastrophe funding in Austria
M. Gruber
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) & Discussions (NHESSD) , 2008,
Abstract: The impacts of natural hazards as well as their frequency of occurrence during the last decades have increased decisively. Therefore, the public as well as the private sector are expected to react to this development by providing sufficient funds, in particular for the improvement of protection measures and an enhanced funding of damage compensation for affected private individuals, corporate and public entities. From the public stance, the establishment of an appropriate regulatory environment seems to be indispensable. Structural and legal changes should, on the one hand, renew and improve the current distribution system of public catastrophe funds as well as the profitable investment of these financial resources, and on the other hand, facilitate the application of alternative mechanisms provided by the capital and insurance markets. In particular, capital markets have developed alternative risk transfer and financing mechanisms, such as captive insurance companies, risk pooling, contingent capital solutions, multi-trigger products and insurance securitisation for hard insurance market phases. These instruments have already been applied to catastrophic (re-)insurance in other countries (mainly the US and off-shore domiciles), and may contribute positively to the insurability of extreme weather events in Austria by enhancing financial capacities. Not only private individuals and corporate entities may use alternative mechanisms in order to retain, thus, to finance certain risks, but also public institutions. This contribution aims at analysing potential solutions for an improved risk management of natural hazards in the private and the public sector by considering alternative mechanisms of the capital and insurance markets. Also the establishment of public-private-partnerships, which may contribute to a more efficient cat funding system in Austria, is considered.

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